Тесты для 1 курса по английскому языку

Chоose the sentence with uncountable noun:

— The United States of America is a highly developed country.
— New York City is the first biggest city of the States.
+ She is making splendid progress in English.
— Chicago is the second largest city.
— I have a lot of cars.

Note the word combination in Possessive Case:

— the pen of the doctor
+ teachers room
— the hats of the men
— the voice of that girl
— the pen of the boy

Put in the article if it is necessary: I like … coffee.

— a
— an
— the
+ –
— any

Put in the article if it is necessary: John is ____ engineer.

— a
+ an
— the
— —
— any

Choose the right answer to the question: How old are you?

— I twenty.
— Me is twenty.
+ I’m twenty.
— I’ve twenty.
— I is twenty.

Complete the sentence with the right answer: I usually ____ breakfast at 8 o clock in the morning.

— has
— to has
+ have
— to have
— had to

Complete the sentence with the right answer: My uncle ____ an experienced hunter.

— has
+ is
— are
— were
— have

Make right word-order.

+ Attendance at lectures is not compulsory.
— Lectures not is attendance compulsory.
— Attendance compulsory is not lectures.
— At lectures is not compulsory attendance.
— Is not compulsory attendance at lectures.

Choose the right variant: Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan is situated on the … river:

— Lena
— Syr-Darya
— Thames.
— Irtish
+ Esil

Choose the correct answer: She ______ sixteen last year

— Will be
— Is
— Are
— Has been
+ Was

Find the right variant: The President of the Republic is the ___________ of the state.

+ head
— legislator
— monarch
— chief ideologist
— chief legislator

Complete the sentence: Almaty is the southern… of Kazakhstan.

— River.
+ Capital.
— Mountain.
— Region.
— Department.

Choose the correct item:
a. ________
b. My name is Robert Fulson.

+ What is your name?
— What is your sister’s name?
— Where do you live?
— What’s the time?
— How old are you?

Choose the right equivalent: There are 584 students at the department:

+ five hundred and eighty-four
— five hundred eighty-four
— five eighty-four hundred
— five and hundred eighty-four
— five hundred eighty fourth

Complete the sentence:
… am a student of University.

— They
— He
— We
— She
+ I

Put in the article if it is necessary: ____ Berlin is the capital of ____ Germany.

— The, —
— An, the
+ –, —
— A, a
— An, a

Choose necessary possessive pronoun: Where is … (моя) book?

— our
— their
— you
+ my
— its

Put in necessary preposition: Can you put the pizza ___ the oven for me?

— on
— in
+ into
— to
— under

Answer the question: Where do you sleep?

— in the kitchen
+ in the bedroom
— in the toilet
— in the bathroom
— in the sittingroom

Note the word combination in Possessive Case:

+ Nicks dog
— the dress of the doll
— the buildings of city
— the room of the house
— children of that woman

Choose the right form of the noun in Possessive Case:

— the students books
— the students of books
+ the students books
— the students book
— the book student

Put in the article if it is necessary: He is … waiter.

— the
— an
— –
+ a
— too

Put in the article if it is necessary: Berlin is the capital of ____ Germany.

— a
— an
— the
+ –
— such

Choose necessary personal or possessive pronoun: Their names are Bill and Ben. … are from the USA.

— He
— She
— I
— You
+ They

2 голоса

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